The South

A travelogue by Evelyn C. Leeper

Copyright 2013 Evelyn C. Leeper


In some ways this is a repeat of a 1997 trip we took, also to San Antonio for the World Science Fiction Convention. We are even leaving on the same date: August 16. But we are taking a slightly different route and hope to see different places.

This is also a much shorter log. I am not really sure why, though it may be partly that I am more tired at night than I was twenty years ago, and also that with netbooks, WiFi, and so on, there is more to do in the evenings. But it is also a feeling that there is not as much audience for my log as there used to be. People at work used to be interested, but we are retired. People on used to be interested, but Usenet has withered, and there is so much competition on the Internet these days that no one log gets much attention.

Another reason may be that the last time we did a trip through the South we took 37 days, while this time is only 26 days.

[I hope to remember to move these notes to the end.]

On this trip, we took 2 GPSs as well as maps, and there were times we needed all of them. Our primary GPS: