FUNNY FACE was on a list of films recommended for book lovers, or at any rate about bookshops. Okay, there is a scene in a marvelous used bookshop. It consists of a bunch of brainless fashion models, their editor, and their photographer charging into the shop and pulling books off the shelves because they think everything looks too organized. (It must be the same mentality that has models walk down the runway dragging their coats behind them on the floor.) When the manager (Audrey Hepburn) tries to stop them, they shove her out the front door and lock her out. Eventually they leave, and leave the place a mess, without ever even suggesting they should pay for the privilege of using the shop or the inconvenience they have caused. (And damage, based on how they are handling the books.) This doesn't need a recommendation, this needs a trigger warning.
There's also a scene where a man and a woman are arguing, but when he slaps her, she suddenly becomes very affectionate towards him. Add to that that Hepburn was 28 years old and her love interest (Fred Astaire) was 58.
I didn't like the songs, either.
Released theatrically 28 Match 1957. Rating: -1 (-4 to +4), or 7/10.
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