Evelyn C. Leeper's Home Page: Books, Travel, and More

Last updated 22 Sep 2024
Version 2.0 of
"Annotations and Commentary on Moby-Dick"
by Evelyn C. Leeper
Now available at

[Mark and Evelyn on Their 50th Anniversary]

This week's MT VOID contents :

More issues here

Book Reviews: I have been reviewing and commenting on books since the 1970's, and an index to about 2500 of these reviews and comments can be found here.

Annotations and Thoughts on Moby-Dick: I have also done a book-length commentary on Moby-Dick, the latest edition of which can be found here.

Travelogues, Film Festival Reports, and Science Fiction Convention Reports: The travelogues cover trips to all fifty states and around five dozen countries. The film festival reports are between 1994 and 2005. The convention reports covers Worldcons and regional cons between 1983 and 2017. They can all be found here.

Other writings include:

I have been nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer twelve times, most recently in 2001.

If you want to get some idea of my philosophy, check out my .sig quotes. And other sites of interest:

The MT VOID is a publication of the Mt. Holz science fiction club.

To subscribe, send mail to mtvoid-subscribe@yahoogroups.com or go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mtvoid/.

Table of Contents

A full index (well, mostly full) can be found here.

Evelyn C. Leeper
Email: (eleeper@optonline.net)
Email: (evelynchimelisleeper@gmail.com)
Mastodon: (https://mastodon.social/@eleeper)